Our Guide to keepsake Cushions
Memory cushions are a perfect gift not just to give to someone but also as a present to you.
They are made from your favourite items of clothing. So, whether you have a couple of baby clothes, a few shirts, an old military outfit or a single jumper. Infinity keepsakes can use it and create a cherished cushion that will be perfect for displaying on your sofa, bed or even in a campervan.
Different Types of Memory Cushions
We have a few different styles of memory cushion in our range. Below is our guide of the different varieties available and a list of the types of fabrics that can be used for each one.
So, if you would like a cushion made from your little ones first baby grows, from a loved one’s item of clothing, your child’s school uniform, your favourite t-shirt or even your wedding dress, the list is endless! We can make it for you.
Patchwork Cushions
Our patchwork cushions can be made from baby or adult clothing. We use your materials in the centre of the cushion and finish it off with a fleece or cotton border and backing. We have a range of fleece/ cotton colours, perfect to match your clothing colour theme.

Photo Cushions
Our photo cushions are made in the same style as our patchwork cushion. They come with the added feature of a large photo in the corner. Your photo is printed onto our special cotton fabric and will make a lovely addition to the home to help remember a special someone or memory.

Shirt Cushion
Made from your favourite shirt, a lovely gift to give or to keep for yourself. Our shirt keepsake cushion can be personalised with a heart shape message, this is topstitched onto the corner of the cushion.

Jumper Cushion
Made using a favourite knitted, woolly or fleece jumper; our jumper cushions are perfect for displaying in the house. They can be personalised with your favourite message in a heart shape that is topstitched in the corner of the cushion.

Uniform Cushion
The perfect cushion made from your favourite uniforms, whether you’re leaving a job to move onto your next career path or you are retiring. Maybe a lost loved one had a uniform, having a cushion made from this makes a lovely keepsake. We can use any type of uniform, a navy top, military jacket or a hoody with the work logo on, they all make lovely cushions.

Football Shirt Cushion
We know all about those football crazy fans! The ones with one too many t-shirts; turn yours or a loved ones football top into a cushion that will make a wonderful addition to your home.

School Uniform Cushion
A lovely patchwork style cushion made up of different shapes using your little ones school uniforms. This cushion makes a perfect gift for school leavers to remember their school years.

Wedding Dress Cushion
We have a range of different types of keepsakes that can be made from your wedding dress. Our wedding dress cushions are one of our most popular products. They are made using patches from your dress, including those special pieces of lace, buttons & beading, beautifully finished off with a border and backing of cream fleece.

Contact Us
If you have an item or items of clothing you would like made into a keepsake cushion, call us on 01752 936765 or message us we always love to hear from our customers and perhaps you may have an idea of how to turn your clothes into a treasured keepsake !
Don’t forget, you can also follow Infinity Keepsakes on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest to check our other keepsake ideas.